How To Raise Money For A Startup | 4 Pro Tips
If you are researching how to raise money for a startup business, then you’ll undoubtedly find numerous sources advising various methods. However, regardless of the type of funding source you consider, you’ll find that there are a number of requirements that must be satisfied in order to qualify for financing.
Obtaining funding for startups is always challenging, especially if you don’t even know where to begin looking for it. This article offers 3 insider tips for finding the money you need to launch and grow your foundling business.
How to Raise Funds for a Business Startup: Develop a Business Plan
Whether you approach a traditional bank, credit union, angel investor, venture capitalist, or a crowdfunding organization, you’re going to need a polished business plan, and a great presentation to go with it. The fact is that these entities are constantly flooded with new applicants wondering how to raise funds for a business.
In order to stand out and get the startup funding you’re after, you have to shine above the competition, much like you will have to in order to remain profitable in business for the long-term.Your business plan should include an executive summary, financial projections, management and personnel overview, and a savvy exit strategy to even begin to raise lenders’ eyebrows. Most entrepreneurs find they need help with this long process and hire professional help
How to Raise Funds for a Business Startup: Cover Employee Salaries
New entrepreneurs often find it difficult to attract experienced employees to their businesses. That’s largely because the business is not yet profitable enough to afford the best help, which, of course, costs more. Startups are not normally stable enough to meet long-term financial obligations, especially when one skilled employee can cost the organization more than $150,000 annually.
The choice is a Catch-22. If you can’t pay the prevailing industry wages to attract the best employees, then you are left paying below-market wages to less experienced (and less desirable) workers. If you do hire an employee on at a true market salary, then you may not develop the profitability necessary to meet payroll consistently (or at all) in the future.
Many experts recommend letting the employees share the risks of developing profitability with you. They can start out at below-market wages, and then, progressively earn more as the company does. While this sounds solid enough, the difficulty lies in convincing prospective employees to have faith in the business until profits are rolling in, or at least until you secure enough startup funding to cover their wages.
How To Raise Funds for a Business Startup: Alternate Funding Sources
The financial planning pros at Unsecured Business Loans have helped hundreds of up-and-coming business leaders to get the money they need. Well-qualified applicants can secure $50K – $200K of startup funding within 15 days, in most cases. Apply today at Apply Now and let us advise you about how to raise funds for a business idea that is burning in your innovative mind!
Entrepreneur – 3 Honest Ways to Raise Startup Money
The Startup – 7 Options to Raise Capital for Your Startup